Volunteer Opportunities
The Parent Volunteer Organization (PVO) runs several events during the school year, and we need your help! Please read the details about the committees. You will love being an active part of our Reagan community.
Please click on the link to sign up! https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0E4AACAA23A3FDC70-reagan
Committee Explanations
Inspirations Committee - Inspirations is a school wide multimedia art competition. The committee advertises, distributes and collects entry forms, finds judges, and coordinates the award ceremony. Date TBD.
Giving Tree Committee - Each November/December giving trees are placed outside each classroom. Ornaments are labeled with needed classroom items and placed on the trees. Ornaments are taken from the trees by the family that would like to donate the item. This committee needs committee members that own Circuit or Silhouette Machines and can cut ornaments at home, committee members that will donate paper and other supplies, and committee members to help hang up the trees, etc.
Lost and Found Committee - This committee sorts lost and found items, takes and posts pictures of lost and found items, sets out items during SEP's, and donates unclaimed items quarterly.
Ribbon Week - Ribbon Week promotes drug and Internet safety. The committee organizes volunteers, plans safety instruction for students, and plans fun activites for the week. Date TBD by the committee.
Spirit and Skate Nights - This committee member would be in charge of making fliers and distributing the fliers to the teacher mailboxes. A spirit or skate night generally happens quarterly. There is already a chair for this committee who will coordinate the events.
Uniform Display/Donations - This committee washes, organizes, and displays used, donated uniforms. (Year Around)
Field Day Volunteers - Field Day is for grades K - 4th. It is during the last week of school, typically on Wednesday. Volunteers are a VITAL part of this event. We need 24 morning volunteers need to help prep and run stations from 8:30 am - 11:00 am. We also need 24 afternoon volunteers to help run and put away stations from 11:45 - 2:15. Pleas sign up and mark your calendar! :)
Staff Appreciation Week Committees - SAW is the biggest even for the PVO. We need lots of volunteers to help us say thank you to our staff!
Gifts/Donations Staff Appreciation Week (SAW) - This committee organizes gifts for the staff during SAW. SAW is in March.
Decorations for Staff Appreciation Week (SAW) - Committee members organize and create decorations for the the school for SAW. Decorations include posters for classroom doors and decorations for large common areas. SAW is in March.
Service Committee Co-Chairs for SAW - If you sign up for this one, you get to be one of our committee co-chairs. Co-Chairs are in charge of committees. This committee volunteers and organizes other parent volunteers to serve our staff during SAW. SAW is in March.
Service Committee for SAW - This committee volunteers and organizes parent volunteers to serve our staff during SAW. SAW is in March.
Track Your Volunteer Time
Reagan Academy families are encouraged to engage in volunteerism at the school. Tracking volunteer time for the school year begins the first day of summer break through the last day of school. Tracking of hours is used to report engagement for certain reports and information to assess the meeting of goals for the vision of the school.