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Activity for Breath Awareness to restore Mind and Body

As you take time to create a mindful moment for breathing, focus on the following:
1. As the artist is singing "just breathe", notice the feeling of the natural rhythm of your breath as it rises and falls.  Make sure you are in a comfortable position and if you can, close your eyes.
  • Bring the breath in through the nose as if you are smelling a flower.
  • Release the breath out through the mouth as if you were blowing out a candle.
2. As the artist sings "oh let it go, let it all go" try to let go of your fears, anxieties or anything that is worrying or troubling you, or not setting well with you.  
3. As the artist sings, "just be"  try to pay attention without judgement, but with care, to your mind, heart and body.  (This is mindfulness)  Think of how it feels to be who you are. Practice knowing that you are important, unique and have contributions to make in this world by just being yourself.
Return to this practice once a day or as often as you find yourself needing a mindful moment of breath.
This kind of focus takes practice.  With practice you can get stronger.