The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr morris Lessmore

I have a love for books and shared that love with 1st-3rd grades.  I shared one of my favorites “The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore” and showed the award winning short film to the students.  It masterfully tells the story through animation/movement and music.             

I was impressed with the children’s attentiveness as they watched along with their feedback and insights as we took time to reflect. 

One child stated that we are always moving even if it is our brain; thoughts and feelings that are being moved.  How right he is!

We have talked about the importance of tracking our words with our index finger as we read.  I have encouraged the students to do this needed skill as they read.

I hope you will take time to watch this short film and share it with your family.  I think you will be enriched and glad that you did.