Dance Specialist Mrs. Bowen » Posts


The Power of Parents

The Beverly Taylor Arts Learning Program has been inviting the parents of K-4 students to visit their child's classroom to see the things we have been doing with art integration.  I have been impressed with the parent support here at Ronald Reagan Academy and wanted to say thank you to the parents.  Your support of the BTS program is important and it means a great deal to me personally.  I believe art integration is an extremely valuable part of your student's education experience.  Your support also means a great deal to your children.  They love to show you the things they are working on.  

As parents we want our children to experience success in school and life.  Often the small things have great impact.

Studies have shown:

*Parent involvement at home and at school has a measurable impact on student performance in school and families.

*Parent involvement is related to improved student behavior in school and better attitudes about schoolwork generally.

*Improved communication between teachers and parents increases student engagement as measured by homework completion rates, on-task behavior and class participation.

I can see that these are things you value as parents at Reagan Academy.  You are an important part of this school and are making a difference!


We have had a lot of fun exploring prepositions through movement.  We know that a preposition must have an object so our chairs provided the object for us to move/shape the prepositions: over, under, around, behind, beside etc. The students are so creative in their movement choices!   

Timpanogos Storytelling Festival

What a enchanting experience to have the Timpanogos Storytelling Festival visit Reagan Academy Thursday March 19th.  K-6 students and teachers alike were entertained and enlightened as Storyteller Kim Weitkamp captured our hearts with her stories and songs.  This was a generous gift from the Utah State Office of Education POPS Art Education and Professional Development Program and the Utah Division of Arts and Museum brought to our school through the Beverly Taylor Arts Learning Program.  
Two assemblies were held with a special visit to the p.m. Kindergarten classes, with a teacher training after school.  
We were taught and reminded of the valuable tool storytelling can be and it's power and impact in our lives.  Storytelling is the vehicle for persuasion and creates universal ground with those we teach and love.
I am delighted that this experience could be part of our journey here at Reagan Academy!  


I am so pleased with the students of Reagan Academy so willing to explore new ways of learning through movement!  I want to see YOU be brave!

The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr morris Lessmore

I have a love for books and shared that love with 1st-3rd grades.  I shared one of my favorites “The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore” and showed the award winning short film to the students.  It masterfully tells the story through animation/movement and music.             

I was impressed with the children’s attentiveness as they watched along with their feedback and insights as we took time to reflect. 

One child stated that we are always moving even if it is our brain; thoughts and feelings that are being moved.  How right he is!

We have talked about the importance of tracking our words with our index finger as we read.  I have encouraged the students to do this needed skill as they read.

I hope you will take time to watch this short film and share it with your family.  I think you will be enriched and glad that you did.