Copy of the email I sent home regarding Daily Log Sheets

Hi everybody,

I cannot put into words how much I miss all of you. I think about you all everyday and hope you are hanging in there. I know you have so much to do but I would LOVE to get an email from you letting me know how you are doing, what you are doing to keep busy and how your families are doing. It is WAY too quiet here at school.

I REALLY miss you coming in before and after class to wait for roll call or the bell to ring, I miss our daily chats, I miss hearing you all yell, "SHE'S COMING! SHE'S COMING!" , I miss getting messages on my board, (Thankfully I did not erase them.), I miss hearing your laughs and seeing your amazing smiles.
Just a reminder, because this does affect your grade. Please, Please remember to keep a daily log of the physical activities you are doing and send them to me via email each Friday.

If you go to my school website there is a daily log sheet you can print off and use, or you can keep track on any piece of paper. Just please send it to me so I can give you credit. If you look at your grade and you have 0 points it is because I have not received your daily log for last week.
Once again, I miss you all like crazy and I hope you are all doing awesome and enjoying some extra time with family.