Talent Show Audition Dates

Dear Elementary student parents,

Reagan Academy will be having our annual school Talent Show on March 23rd.  We generally have two shows: 6pm and 8pm.  Your student can try out for the school –wide talent show the week of March 5-9th during their music class.  Please help your child be prepared that day with any costumes, sheet music, music CD’s etc.  MP3 songs can be emailed to Mrs. Ahlborn at [email protected]. Here are the days and times of the elementary music class auditions according to your student’s home room teacher:

Monday March 5th

Ms. Russon – 8:15 – 9am

Mrs. Lau - 9 – 9:30am

Mrs. Oligshlager – 1:20 – 2pm

Tuesday March 6th

Mrs. Fox  9 – 9:30am

Ms. Davis 9:50 – 10:20

Mrs. Ireland 1:20 -2pm

Wednesday March 7th

Mrs. Fellows 8:15 – 9am

Mrs. Winston 9:50 – 10:20

Mrs. Griffeths 1:20 -2pm

Thursday March 8th

Mrs. Lewis 8:15- 9am

Mrs. Parker 9 – 9:30

Mrs. Smith 9:50 – 10:20

Please note when your student’s homeroom teacher’s music times take place because that is when they will need to audition during the school day.  Because 5th -8th graders have different types of music classes at different times, they will have auditions after-school on Friday March 9th from 1-4pm.

Also, please understand not all children who audition will make the final March 23rd school-wide show.  It takes a full week to audition all of the children and we have to limit acts to fit into 2 shows that are 1 hour long.  With this in mind, each act should be under 2 minutes, suggestive lyrics or profanity are not allowed and costumes must be in good taste and modest.  Student acts will be chosen based on family friendly values, good entertainment and quality.  Due to time restrictions, I am not available for any auditions outside of your student's music class times.  Our Talent Shows are a fun music department fundraiser and we appreciate your support!  If you have any questions please email me at [email protected].

Julie Ahlborn