7th and 8th grade Festival is in March!

Hello 7th and 8th grade orchestra parents!
This year we are going to the Charter Festival in West Valley at the American Preparatory Academy.  Festival is when we perform in front of 2-3 judges who adjudicate us and give us a rating between 1 and 4.  1 is the highest or Superior, 2 is Excellent, 3 is Good and 4 is Fair.  One of the judges then comes up afterward and works with students and gives ideas on how we can improve.  We will be working very hard to do our very best.
The Festival will be on Friday March 3 in West Valley and we will be assigned a performance time between 11am and 6pm.  (The earlier the better, right?)  I will let you know as soon as I can what our performance time will be.  
We will also be performing our Festival pieces at a school concert on March 1st at 7pm.  This allows us the chance to perform in front of an audience before we perform in front of a judge.  (You can also give your student feedback on what we can do better).
Thanks so much for your support!
Mrs. Ahlborn