Mrs. Ahlborn » Posts


Welcome Back!!

I can't wait to see your students on Monday!  If they are in orchestra they don't need to bring their instrument until Tuesday.  Please look for their disclosure document coming home with them on Monday.  It will need to be signed, (which tells me you know when the concerts are and that your student will be there).  Please have your student return their disclosure document by Friday Aug. 23rd.  
I can't wait for the 2019-2020 school year to begin!!
Mrs. Ahlborn

Performance of My Paddle on recorder, guitar, and drums

This is the conclusion of our recorder unit so we combined with what we learned on guitars as well as the drumming. Good job!

Ms.Griffeth's class performing My Paddle and Land of the Silver Birch

We performed these songs with guitars, drums, xylos, triangles and recorders!

Happy Groundhog Day from 7th grade orchestra

This is called a drum circle. Each instrument has a different rhythm that students play independently from each other.

Mrs. Ormond's class - Catch a Snowflake

Students got to choose to play the xylo, boomwhacker, triangle and woodblocks as we learned the song "Catch a Snowflake."

Ms. Russon's class performing "Catch a Snowflake"

This song has some student's playing the bass xylo, some students playing the triangle and woodblocks and other students playing the melody on xylos and boomwhackers.