Mrs. Randall » Posts


First Scenes in Theater

We have chosen our first scenes and partners. Students will be performing for the class on starting on September 16th. Please help your student memorize their scene. We have spoken about different memorizing strategies in class.

Music History Project Rubric Poster

Music History Projects are due for the band kids on May 16th and for the choir kids on May 17th. Students are to pick a band or a composer and do a powerpoint or a poster. They can choose. Please follow the rubric. They also need to bring an example of their chosen bands music. Please keep it G rated. No swearing.

5th and 6th grade Band Concert April 28th!

The 5th grade band will be performing their Spring Concert on April 28th at 6:30 pm. Students need to be in the band room at 6:00 to tune. 6th grade band will perform their concert on the 28th as well at 7:30 pm. Students need to meet in the band room at 7:00 to tune. It's going to be a fun night. Hope to see you there!!

Major Projects

Major Projects are due Thursday, March 24th. Students can pick from one of 20 projects. They have the list of the projects and the rubric. Please don't procrastinate! Working a little each day will alleviate lots of stress later on.

Major Project

We will have our Major Project for theater due March 24th. I will be giving the students all the information on Monday on what they may do for it. There are 20 different projects and they have to pick just one. However, it should be something that the student has an interest in and that they will be willing to spend a significant amount of time on. I will also hand out a rubric so that they can see exactly what I will be grading on. Please let me know if you have any questions.

Characterization Projects due Monday

Theater students characterization projects are due Monday. They also have a publicity project due on Wednesday. Please email me if you have any questions.

Theater Projects due Feb. 1st

Students have their characterization project due Monday, Feb. 1st. They can choose from a mask, or a makeup morgue or a costume morgue. Because they had 3 weeks to work on this project, late work will be heavily penalized. Any late project turned in after 10 days, will not be accepted.


All papers/last minute work have been graded and entered into Aspire. Grades are finalized and ready for report cards. I am excited for the 3rd term to start next week!

Have a great break!

Great job to all my students who performed in all the different concerts this last week. I am so proud of all of you! Have a fun and safe Christmas Break and I will see you in January!

Band Concert Monday, December 14th

We will be having our Winter Band concert on Monday, December 14th. The concert starts at 7:00 pm and students need to be here at 6:30. We look forward to celebrating the holiday season with you!

Choir Concert on Thursday, December 10th

There is the Choir Winter Concert on Thursday, December 10th. The 5th graders need to be here at 6:00 pm and will perform from 6:30-7:00 pm. The Middle school students need to be here at 7:00 pm and will perform from 7:30-8:15 pm. We hope to see you there!!!

Pirates of Penzance Opening Night!!

Pirates of Penzance is opening tonight!! The show is on Friday, Saturday, and next Monday at 7:00 pm with a 2:00 pm matinee on Saturday. Tickets are $4 in advance and $5 at the door. It is a fun show with a great cast. We hope to see you there!!